In a realm where imagination knows no bounds, a young mage known as Ross Winters defied his parental overlords and resisted their insidious calls for him to “just go play outside.” No, Ross knew he was destined for greater things. At the tender age of 10, he stepped through a shimmering portal, where fate led him into the Knightly lands of UCF to a mysterious place known only as: “The Cyber Camp.” Here, he was bestowed with the tools to bend reality, learning the arcane arts of level design and the ancient language of scripting. Ross journeyed through many worlds, each more fantastical than the last—from the shadowy forests of Warcraft III to the boundless skies of Garry’s Mod. It was among the glowing runes of Valve’s Source Engine that Ross discovered his true calling—not just to explore worlds, but to breathe life into them. Armed with the wisdom of a Bachelor’s in Game Design, the armor (and immense debt) of a Master’s in Interactive Design, and forged in the fires of legendary game studios, our mage has woven many narratives and unleashed two mighty AAA games upon the world.